Friday, November 23, 2012

Meet Julie Cavanagh, Next UFT President

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Free From Unity said...

Julie cavanagh is a most credible candidate and the unity folks should have more dissatisfaction with their leadership than ever before. However, her chances of uprooting Mulgrew are a long long shot at best. To unseat unity chapters need to send delegates that will be able to hold a majority at the delegate assembly. If that should happen, then retirees, and day care members must be omitted from voting for uft president. If Julie Cavanagh gains a respectable amount of the vote, say 10 to 20% more than past returns, she can gather a base from which to mount a viable challenge to the unity strngle hold. The plan has merit for future elections. It can be done and watch Mulgrew & Co try to coerce Julie ala Mike Shulman.

Free from unity.

Guest said...

Agree with F F U.  I however find comfort in knowing that many more know of MORE and Julie than they did at the start of this school year.  I think it is very realistic that she takes a chunk of the vote this upcoming spring - enough to hopefully make her more aware to the masses within the rank and file as well as wake up Unity to the realization that many of us are not happy.  

Norm said...

Thanks for posting this link. It is only a segment. It went on much longer. Julie was on a few of the segments. I posted them in sections on ed notes.

Sick of it All said...

I am telling every teacher in my school to vote MORE. And you know what, they will vote MORE because they either are older teachers and can't stand Mulgrew or they are young and don't know who to vote for so they ask the older teachers who to vote for. For MORE to win, rank and file teachers must send in their vote cards. It is that simple. However, we all know the retiree vote is what really sends Unity over the top in every election. Time for a big change!!!

Guest said...

Mulgrew should agree to a debate with Julie to which all UFT members are invited say at Madison Square Garden or the Barclays Center. Julie would win hands down!