Probably no one was looking toward the release of the NYS test scores with more trepidation than Ruben Brosbe. He has twice had his tenure extended and now appears to be on the five year plan. As such, a lot rides on this year's scores. After all, he was apparently extended because of his dismal scores in the fourth grade which he was foolish enough to publish in the NY Post. Then, he switched to third grade, which, conveniently, kept him from getting another dismal score (as only grades 4-8 currently get them).
Apparently, it didn't work. While Ruben's individual scores are not out there, his grade's scores are. Here are the third grade results for PS 310:
SUBJECT # Tested % Level 1 % Level 2 % Level 3 % Level 4
Grade 3 ELA 90 24.4 46.7 28.9 0
Grade 3 Math 98 12.2 39.8 43.9 4.1
Now, obviously, these aren't all Ruben's kids. Even so, it's clear that Ruben could not have gotten a single student to level 4 in ELA. Less than a third of the students on his grade achieved a level 3. There are nearly as many level 1 students as level 3 students. Math scores are marginally better (as math scores usually are), but they are still abysmally low, with more than half the children failing to meet standards.
This does not speak well for Ruben's chances of getting tenure next year. The numbers will do him in. That, of course, is what Ruben and Asshats4Education claim they want. No excuses. If kids don't perform, it's the teacher's fault. Poverty, drug abuse, and neglect be damned. Data is king. Teachers must perform or perish.
I hope the Asshats have a job lined up for you, Ruben, because these numbers would appear to be your Waterloo.
For Ruben:
As they always say, "Do unto others as others do unto you.". I've known quite a few 'young teacher's (who think they are top sh#$ and invincible who can just suck up to principal) who have screwed over my friends, the seasoned and more experienced teachers.
Oh, 1 day, they will have their karma and maybe it will be related to dismal test scores.
Careful what you wish for....
I too teach 3rd grade. I work at a huge school in a horrible area. We kicked Ruben's school's butt! All of our third grade teachers have a lot of experience. Our scores aren't awesome when compared to the rest of the city, but considering what we deal with on a daily basis (none of it good) we managed to move mountains. I guess experienced teachers are effective after all.
Newsflash! Ruben is Harvard bound in 2 weeks so tenure is NOT a thought. Let the loathing commence…
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