I'd like to welcome Miss Rim to the NYC education blogosphere, and urge all of you to drop by her blog. She works in a D75 school so her insights into teaching should prove to be a valuable addition. It's refreshing to hear from a young teacher who isn't a shill for the E4E crowd. One thing that caught my eye immediately was her second post, which ended thusly:
For more veteran teachers, don't write one of us off immediately, for every Rueben Brosbe and E4E douche, there is another that really wants to be a good teacher - and we want your ideas, your support and sometimes your shoulder.
This is my kind of blogger! I hope everyone stops by and read her stuff: http://missrimbus.blogspot.com/.
Welcome Ms Rim. Linking to your blog.
Hey, give ms rim my proper feed.
Gee, thanks, Mr. A! I hold you in no small esteem, I'm incredibly flattered.
You made my summer.
Miss RIm welcome to the blogosphere.
Good luck in you teaching career.
Now regarding: "I have a theory that people with facial hair are creating a shield between themselves and life."
I have a lot of facial hair, but it is a family tradition. ;)
My stance on facial hair doesn't have much mettle - it's an opinion. If you have facial hair because of "tradition" religious reasons, and / or you can rock it - fantastic.
My comment was about people who affect it for...effect.
Again, Mr. A - I just can't thank you enough.
I feel like Sally Field when she won the Oscar for, what was it? "Places in the Heart?" "Norma Rae" "Cannonball Run II....?"
"you like me, you really like me"
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