There's an interesting article in New York Magazine that details how Bill Thompson just might be able to unseat Mike Bloomberg. My favorite is suggestion #1, which is Keep Repeating "Mayor for Life. Mayor for Life." There are five other suggestions, and they are all good ones. I have said for months that I think Bloomy is vulnerable, and that mayoral control can be wrested from him only by voting him out of office.
And let's not forget the veracity to the old axiom "Familiarity breeds contempt". Not only have NYers had 8 years to get familiar with this mayor, but he has bombarded us with his image everywhere he goes, like a political Waldo. You're not even safe surfing the web, where Bloomberg's ads seem more ubiquitous than Netflix pop-ups. BTW, you can stop those Netflix ads with AdBlock Plus, which can also stop banner ads, including Bloomberg's. Don't tell your friends until after the election.
To me, he'll always be Mayor-for-Life, no matter what. I'm faithful that way.
"I think Bloomy is vulnerable, and that mayoral control can be wrested from him only by voting him out of office."
Be careful AC and don't get trapped into the Bloomy/mayoral control trap. Thompson is for it too and may be less obnoxious but will still execute the program like all the others.
The best chance to see mayoral control killed will be Bloomberg's arrogance over the next few years. But I'd still love to see him lose.
Norm, I don't know if we can stand 4 more years of mayoral control under Bloomberg. And frankly, I don't see any mayor, including Thompson, just surrendering it. Still, I think we'll get a better shake under Thompson, and since mayoral control is here for a while, we need to turn towards making sure it's in the hands of someone who cares about teachers and kids--and not just test numbers.
4 more years of Bloomberg means at least 4 more years of Leadership Academy, Teach for America and Teaching Fellow androids getting under my skin.
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