Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Won't Break Even

Anti-union and anti-teacher propaganda trash movie "Won't Back Down" should probably have been named "Won't Break Even". It reportedly cost over $19 million to make, and after a suffering though the worst opening week of any widely released movie in history, it hit new lows this weekend.

WBD grossed an anemic and laughable $138,709, for a grand total of just over 5 million. At that rate, the movie would need to run another two years just to break even. My guess is it will disappear completely before very many more weekends pass. Considering that it is playing in 513 theaters, it earned just $270 per theater.

Perhaps, one day, the billionaires who fund this garbage will realize that the public is tired of the scapegoating of teachers.


zeno said...

news that made my day. 

NYC Educator said...

Another perfect headline. You can't really make great art out of a cutthroat corporate agenda If you don't care about art anyway, that makes it just that much tougher.

Anon said...

It will go straight to video in a few months.  But I think you are low-balling the original amount.  The production may have cost 19 mill, but the promotion for this movie was just as high.  Remember the "Teachers Rock" concert sponsored by WalMart.  Then all the TV ads and talk show appearances.  I am sure their were newspaper ads as well.  It's nice to know money doesn't fill up seats. 

But was really makes my day is after the NYscreening for E4E's eyes only, they came out saying nice things about the film.  Then came the real reviews proving why people join E4E---they don't recognize a rotten tomato when they see (or join) one.  

robert rendo said...


my name is robert rendo, and i am a public school teacher. is there any way to contact the writer of this blog via e-mail? i like the site a lot. my e-mail is artwork88@aol.com

