Sunday, September 19, 2010

Screw Teacher's Choice! Amazing New Funding Source Discovered!

Already spent your paltry $110 bucks from Teacher's Choice? Never fear! As always, Mr. Talk has the answer.

As you know, this blog and others have been urging you to boycott DonorsChoose for their shameless support of the film Waiting for Superman. They offered a five dollar bribe to anyone who pledged to see that POS movie, which could be donated to a teacher project of your choosing.

Now they've upped the ante. They are offering $15 for a ticket stub to WFS up to a maximum of four per person. Think about that a minute. The movie is donating more per ticket than the tickets themselves cost! Either they should be Waiting for an Accountant, or some big hedge fund people are dropping big bucks in the hopes that people will see this film.

So here's what you can do. Organize your own SuperStub party. Find out when WFS is playing at your local theater, and get all your friends and family members to show up at the theater when the movie lets out. Then ask people to donate their stubs to help support your local school (i.e., you). If you bring 20 people and each collects 4 stubs, you can earn $1200 in one fell swoop by having them donate all that swag to you! And the best part of it is that you don't even have to see the movie!

Of course, all this assumes that 80 people will show up to see this drek film at a single showing, which is unlikely. Still, whatever you may earn from this, you'll have the pleasure of knowing that you picked the pocket of an ed deformer, and you can't get that kind of satisfaction at your local teacher supply store.


reality-based educator said...

That is genius, Mr. Talk!

Anonymous said...

You are shrewd!!!!!

No one can get over on you.

However, none of my friends want to get near the theatre that's showing that movie. They don't want people to think that seeing them there would mean they are interested in the movie. They feel no incentive is worth getting them to the theatre to collect.

Thanks for the suggestion

Anonymous said...

You are shrewd!!!!!

No one can get over on you.

However, none of my friends want to get near the theatre that's showing that movie. They don't want people to think that seeing them there would mean they are interested in the movie. They feel no incentive is worth getting them to the theatre to collect.

Thanks for the suggestion

Anonymous said...

oops I didn't realize I sent it twice. sorry!

Belle Lugosi said...

The only problem is: who wants to see which suckers actually paid to see this propaganda POS? I'd want to get on my soapbox and give them a piece of whatever is left of my mind!!! Good idea if you have the patience and time!!

California Teacher said...

"...all this assumes that 80 people will show up to see this drek film at a single showing, which is unlikely."

Which is precisely why DonorsChoose raised the donation offer. Surely "they" (Guggenheim, Gates, et al) realize in their shriveled little hearts that this movie is box office poison to the vast majority of movie goers, and will likely bomb a big one and go straight to the dvd discount bins by Christmas.

Their worries are evident in the frantic promotion they are doing (Oprah?), which, IMHO, will not help. How many block busters have bombed at the box office, even with big movie stars? Tons...
I hope these upper-class twits lose a lot of money.

ed notes online said...

GEM is planning on doing some singing of our version of a Slim Shady song to go along with our own film called Inconvenient Truths ABout Waiting for Superman. Trailer will be out before their film opens.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see your movie!

Yours will definitely be a blockbuster.

NYC Educator said...

Love your idea, Mr. Talk!